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rodslinger February-13th-2003 01:44 PM

Re: DRL's Are Worthwhile

Originally posted by ProtegeMaster
DRL's, regardless of whether anyone thinks they're cool or not, are a confirmed safety improvement, and helps you become more visible to more people, everywhere, at all times.
Ehhh. Maybe. They work if used properly. I see too many people driving around with DRL equipped cars in the rain, fog or at night that don't have their regular lights on. How good are those things when you have no tail-lights to match? Next time you almost rear-end a car at night on the highway with no tail-lights because the dumb-ass owner didn't turn the regular lights on you'll double think the DRL thing. They have just as many cons as pros....

eggynatey February-13th-2003 02:11 PM

Re: DRL's Are Worthwhile

Originally posted by ProtegeMaster
You had someone ripping on you for wanting DRL's!? Forgive my frankness, but anyone who does that is an idiot. DRL's, regardless of whether anyone thinks they're cool or not, are a confirmed safety improvement, and helps you become more visible to more people, everywhere, at all times. This is a feature that degrades neither the performance nor physical appearance of one's car, and only a fool could be against safety.

I don't completely agree. I'm all for safety, but here's a different train of thought...Weren't motorcycles the first vehicles with DRLs? They are equipped that way so that they'll stand out more in traffic. If everyone had DRLs, they wouldn't catch people's attention like they do now, and they'd become obsolete.
So I believe that only emergency vehicles and motorcycles should be so equipped. Just My 2 Cents

protege563028 February-13th-2003 03:43 PM

I hate DRL's even if they are safer they just bug the hell out of me.:mach:

ProtegeMaster February-13th-2003 05:06 PM

Sorry, eggynatey, that's an incorrect analysis.

DRL's aren't safe by virtue of "being different from everyone else", they're safe because they make you more visible in general. It has nothing to do with "everyone being the same so you won't notice it". No offense, but that's a ridiculous notion.

And regarding dingbats who don't turn on their lights at night because their headlight assembly is already on, much of that has to do with poor engineering on the auto maker's end. I've found this problem on my grandmother's '97 Chevy Lumina (which has DRL's): GM brilliantly decided that, in addition to the headlights coming on upon engine start, they'd also have the interior instrument lights come on. With that in place you indeed already think your lights are fully on at night. That's just dumbass design on the part of the auto makers, mostly, with perhaps a little fault to be placed on the driver for not noticing in the first place. GM is just brimming with geniuses.

Interior instrument lights should NEVER come on with DRL's. NEVER.

There is no logical argument against DRL's. None whatsoever. Saying, "But I don't like them!", or, "They're not cool!" is bullshit. People who don't care about safety are fools, and I just hope they stay away from me and my family when we're on the road.

y0sky February-13th-2003 05:53 PM

Ok, here's a question:

I broke my fog light switch awhile back, is there a way to wire the fog lights to come on automatically when the parking lights come on without the switch?

eggynatey February-13th-2003 06:35 PM

I never said "different from everyone else" I said "stand out more in traffic".
I'm not trying to argue, and you're right, you ARE more visible,but lemme tell ya, I rode a motorcycle for a while & Some people are BLIND to people on bikes! I'd pull up to a stop-sign, make eye contact with the person going the other way, and they'd go left in front of me! It's like you're invisible.
Notice how some motorcycles now have headlights that blink from high to low-beam? I think that's so that they'll stand out more in all the cars with DRLs.
Maybe we should all get those, then we'd really stand out!:D
I'm standing by my theory.

Zirguy February-14th-2003 11:27 AM

OMG i never knew that they came without DRL in the USA. Weird.


Pro_fan February-14th-2003 11:52 AM

Some informative links:

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