Oil oil everywhere...
Oil oil everywhere...
So a couple weeks ago, I noticed my oil light would come on during a sharp left turn. Went home and checked my oil and it was barely reading on the stick. I put 1.5 quarts in before I noticed that the dip stick read FULL and LOW, and not FULL and EMPTY. Well yesterday, it was about 30* outside, started the car and let it sit for about 30 seconds before leaving for work. Get back home and there is a oil streak in the driveway. Great, car is leaking oil. Today, Start the car and look under it after cranking. Oil just starts pouring out behind the oil pan (looking under the front bumper), and then stops. I would guess I lost about 1/8th to 1/4 a cup of oil. I am thinking that when it starts to heat up, the seal or something expands, which stops the leak. Anyone have any ideas? I have the day off tomorrow, so I will go check if I am pouring out the back of the oilpan or something.
Thanks for any help!
Thanks for any help!
you need to get it up in the air, whether it be on jack stands or a lift, and locate the leak....no way to correctly diagnose on the net.....i guarantee though your pan is not just "heating up and sealing" if you are pouring out oil...i would guess a possible hole in the pan, and maybe once it leaks below the hole that's when it stops...hit anything lately ??
I will see if I can get some help lifting it up. I put 2 rotary engines in the trunk yesterday and the last one slit my thumb up pretty good, down to the tendons. I'll update this when I get home with some pictures. Work has me 6 days a week now and I get home when its dark.
prbably ripped gasket on install....is there oil on the front of the pan ?? if not, i'd guess it is that filter too...did you change it yourself last time ?? if so, do you wet the filter gasket with fresh oil before you install it...if you dont, you run a risk of ripping the gasket....i'd say a new filter should fix your problem....about a qurter of a quart is about how much oil you would lose if the the filter drained it's contents down the back of your block...
I do all my own work on my car. Thing is, it is time for the oil to be changed, and its just now starting to spill. If the gasket was torn from putting it on in the beginning, then oil would be spilling since then. Oh well, time for another filter change!
Thanks Mac
Thanks Mac