meets in orlando
i would love to but the last minute notices and i work.(changed mah schedule so maybe be out more at night). But why dont you try and see if people will show. The thing i see so many pros and p5's in orlando but no one meets.Oh well. If ya want a meet keep me filled in.
if ya'll want to do something on the 19th thats cool. keep me informed. i found like 3-4 1st gen pros in orlando that usually pass me the other way,and a few 2nd and 3rd gens that look bad ***. maybe i can talk to them if we can get things going.
sign up page
Hey everyone, I got a new site up ( and there in the forum under car meets I have set up a sign up thread along with a link to a form so I can gather all the info. Here is the link:
let's get this thing organized!
let's get this thing organized!
I swear that if this meet doesnt happen I'll get rid of my car and get a Honda I really want to have a meet so I can get to know mazda enthusiasts. So where would be the best place to meet at. I have no idea and Rider69 how do we sign up for the next meet.