where to find jobs
where to find jobs
where are some places i should look for jobs? I got 2 appilications one to word at a cd trader store (will be awsome if i get cus no one goes there and ill still get paid) and other at old town pizza. Ill probaly grab a application from autozone when i hand these in tomarrow
Yea i want a job. and yes i do have a few skills such as carpentry (sp), tuckpointing, small engine rebuilding ( i rebuild mygokart engine regulary), and i know how to do basic maintence on cars change fluids, rotate tires, airfilter (stuff like that) But i would rather not go to the unemployment office becuase im only 16 and dont wana be a dick and take the jobs from the people who need them more than i do.
first off, im on the look myself... until i get a 2 week paycheck, im working with my dad. (fixing apartments, vacuming, painting, tearing out carpet, basicly all the work that can be done untill grass grows and trees fall and break) btw... $7 an hour beeeitch
last summer i did some yard work for somebody (landscaping tilling down grass seeding it, digging holes for trees, planting trees, sifting rocks out of half of their yard, putting in edging.) she said shell pay me 300 for all the work and she thought it would of taken me 3 or 4 days i finished in 2 so it was 15 an hour for 10 hours for 2 days it was nice out also